This girl got down and dirty last week. A city girl taking a change of scenery onto a farm. The air; oh so crisp, the landscape evoking dreams of one day possibly owing my own land. I got to touch dirt which was amazing. How often do people actually do that?. I got the oppurtunity to plant jerusalum artichokes something I have never seen or heard of but they looked just like ginger. This vegetable is a native of North America similar to the taste of water chestnuts. They can be used for human consumption and alcohol use, prepared like potatoes or used in the making of wine and beer. Gave up the chance to take a bite of this alien vegetable, because I must say Im not that much of a daredevil.  First the land or section we chose to plant on had to be plowed n prepped. Next we made 2 inch holes in the dirt to make way for the artichokes. After placing them in I covered and patted the earth. I was told they grow pretty tall, cant wait to see the progress and what is in store for next week.